How to Make THC Oil: Recipe, Benefits & Uses

March 17, 2023

by Ma Raim

What is THC Oil?

THC oil, also known as cannabis oil or weed oil, is a concentrated form of the chemical compounds known as cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. 

Weed oil is typically produced through a process called steeping, where the cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD are separated from the plant material by cooking it in a carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil. The resulting product is a potent oil that can be used in a variety of ways, such as by ingesting orally, or applying it topically.

THC oil has gained popularity among recreational users and medical patients alike. Its high potency and versatility have made it a popular choice for those seeking edible cannabis alternatives and the medicinal benefits of applying cannabis topically. 

THC oil is often used for medical purposes, particularly for managing chronic pain, nausea, and other symptoms associated with conditions like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy.

It's important to note that THC oil is still illegal in many countries and can have legal consequences if used or possessed unlawfully. As with any cannabis product, it should be used responsibly and only in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

How to Make Cannabis Oil

The easiest way to make weed oil is by steeping it in a carrier oil such as coconut oil. Here are the general steps to make THC oil:

Decarb the Cannabis:

Decarboxylation, aka “decarbing” is a process that activates the THC and other cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. To decarboxylate your cannabis, preheat your oven to 220°F and spread your ground cannabis on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Bake for 30-40 minutes until the cannabis is dry and lightly toasted. Once decarbed, set the cannabis aside and proceed to step 2. 

Prepare a Double Boiler:

Start by preparing a double boiler. If you don’t have one, don’t worry. You can make one easily by putting a saucepan inside of a larger pot with water inside (pictured below). Using a double boiler is essential, or else the cannabis at the bottom of the pot will burn, destroying the THC and CBD.

Cold Chocolate Souffle - A Pinch of Salt Lake

Image courtesy of APinchOfSaltLake

Combine the Cannabis and Oil 

Combine the decarboxylated cannabis and oil (such as olive oil, coconut oil, or any other oil of your choice) in a double boiler. As a general rule of thumb, use a 1:1 ratio of cannabis to oil. For example, If you have one cup of dried cannabis, use one cup of oil. 

Heat on low for 1 hour, occasionally stirring, until the oil has been infused with the THC and other cannabinoids. Try to keep the oil around 150°F to avoid destroying any cannabinoids. A simple kitchen thermometer will be sufficient for maintaining a consistent temperature. 

Strain the mixture: 

Once the infusion process is complete, strain the mixture through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer to remove the plant material. Repeat this process as necessary to separate all plant material. Ensure you squeeze the cheesecloth to get all of the oil out of the cannabis. 

Store the Oil:

Once cooled to room temperature, pour the THC oil into a jar such as a mason jar and store it in the fridge . This will extend the life of the oil. 

It's important to note that the potency of the THC oil will depend on a variety of factors, including the amount and quality of cannabis used, the type of oil, and the infusion time and temperature. It's recommended to start with a small amount of THC oil and wait to see how it affects you before consuming more.

man using THC oil with a dropper

What can THC Oil be used for?

  • Sublingual: One of the most popular ways to ingest cannabis oil is sublingually, which involves placing drops of the oil under the tongue and holding it there for 30-60 seconds before swallowing. This method allows the cannabinoids to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, providing fast-acting and long-lasting effects.
  • Edibles: Cannabis oil can be infused into food or beverages, making it a popular option for those who want a discreet and convenient way to ingest it. However, it's important to note that the effects of edibles can be delayed and last longer than other ingestion methods, so it's important to start with a low dose and wait to see how it affects you before consuming more.
  • Topical: Cannabis oil can be applied topically to the skin, providing localized relief for pain, inflammation, and skin conditions. This method does not provide systemic effects but can be effective for targeted relief.
  • Tea: THC oil can be combined with tea to make a nice refreshing beverage. Just remember that oil and water don’t mix, so your cannabis oil will be floating in the tea. Nonetheless, it’s still a great way to consume the oil.

Best Cannabis Strains for Making Weed Oil

Cannabis strains differ widely depending on the profile of cannabinoids found in them. Depending on your desired effects, certain strains will suit you better than others. Below is a list of the best cannabis strains for making cannabis oil, ranging from very high in THC to very high in CBD, and some that have both.

Northern Lights is a high-THC strain with roughly 18-25% THC. Northern lights is an indica-dominant hybrid known for its relaxing and euphoric effects. It's characterized by its sweet and spicy aroma and flavours, and is often used to relieve stress, pain, and insomnia.

Critical Mass is a popular indica-dominant strain known for its relaxing effects. It typically has a THC content ranging from 7-10%, while its CBD content is typically around 10%. This makes it a good choice for those seeking the benefits of CBD. Overall, Critical Mass is a well-balanced strain that can provide a range of therapeutic benefits.

Girl Scout Cookies (GSC) is a highly potent strain (up to 28%!) that has gained worldwide fame due to its strength and uplifting effects. As they say: "One hit of GSC will leave you feeling happy, hungry, and stress-free."






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