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Slurricane - Indica - AAA - 1 Oz

3.75 out of 5

Slurricane - Indica - AAA - 1 Oz

Indica  ðŸž„   AAA  ðŸž„  

3.75 out of 5

Slurricane - Indica - AAA - 1 Oz

(4 customer reviews)
Sale! Slurricane-cannabis-flower2HG
3.75 out of 5

Indica  ðŸž„   AAA  ðŸž„  

Slurricane  Cannabis Flower has become one of the more popular strains on the cannabis market, Slurricane brings Indica fans everything they could ever ask for in cannabis flower.  

Slurricane  Cannabis Flower has become one of the more popular strains on the cannabis market, Slurricane brings Indica fans everything they could ever ask for in cannabis flower.

This strain is ideal for more the most experienced of users as her THC levels can reach sky high nearing 28%! Buds that are large, fluffy, and dark in colour, while having a thick layer of dense white trichomes that take on a bit of a purple hue in just the right light. A mixture of berries, spice, cream, and even a bit of tropical fruit to dance along their palate as they smoke. Slurricane is recommended for use during the night time hours.

Personal tolerance will largely determine your exact experience with this powerhouse, but in general, individuals can expect to enjoy your typical rollercoaster high that’s associated with hybrids. Initially, a surge of euphoria could enter into your mind and is often accompanied by a set of tingles that start in the back of the head and work their way down to your toes. Just when you think you couldn’t get any happier, the real effects start to kick in. Most smokers say that Slurricane brings on heavy feelings of sedation that often lead to sleepy time, so make sure to get your snacks and get comfortable before you settle down on your couch because you likely won’t be getting up any time soon. Couchlock indeed.

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  1. Jamie Martin

    Love this strain

  2. A . Far

    (S) Pretty chill strain, helps you relax and puts you in a relaxed state of mind. Doesn’t make you extremely lazy.

  3. Rdawg

    It was nothing like the photo kinda disappointed

  4. garron2021

    Loved it!! It takes my pain away…told all my friends your products are really good


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