Cannabis infused lotions, salves, oils, and sprays. How do they work?

January 31, 2020

by Admin_M

Topical Revolution

Cannabis-infused lotions, salves, oils, sprays - how do they work? These and other transdermal methods of relief work by interacting with your endocannabinoid system.

You’ve been hitting the gym especially hard this week, taking your New Years resolutions and workouts to the next level. You’re feeling good about it, seeing those results; but your back, knees, and shoulders—aren’t particularly ecstatic. In fact, the soreness you’re experiencing may even prevent you from falling asleep tonight; and have you wondering how you will drag yourself out of bed tomorrow. In the past, you probably would have reached for an Advil, heating pad, or some lidocaine lotion purchased from your local drugstore. However, there is a new powerhouse on the market that more and more athletically inclined individuals are choosing: Hemp derived CBD topicals. They work not only for muscle and joint relief, but also assist in general recovery and inflammation.

Of course its not just “gym rats” who are opting for CBD and cannabis creams, its EVERYONE. It started with athletes and has grown to include Yoga moms who want to loosen up prior to class; and even the stiff necked computer programmers who stare at a screen all day. The Boomers are quickly getting in on the chronic pain relief and management from general aches and pains to more serious conditions like arthritis.

The Science 

While Health Canada currently prohibits companies from making any medical claims, the science is pretty straight forward. CBD interacts with your endocannabinoid system, or ECS. Your ECS is a collection of cell receptors and their corresponding molecules in the human body. The ECS is responsible for regulating and maintaining many key functions. When it is in balance, one experiences homeostasis. Phytocannabinoids, or plant cannabinoids such as CBD or THC, bind with cannabinoid receptors and send a message to do certain things; such as regulate pain and inflammation.

How to use it

Ingesting CBD/THC internally, in the form of a tincture or an oil, isn’t always the most effective way to deal with these issues; it can take the body a while to absorb. Once absorbed orally it usually provides more of a full-body effect vs a localized one. With topical cannabis products like lotions, you can specifically target a painful area and achieve relief more quickly. Try one of our locally hand made topicals like Yoshikal; that are both effective and free from chemicals. A typical drugstore rub may numb your pain, but a CBD/THC cream will work to eradicate it. There is also little risk of overdoing it. Whenever the pain is present, you can apply as often as needed to aid in the recovery process.


A good rule of thumb is to use 1-6 mgs of CBD or THC for every 10 lbs of body weight, based on pain levels. All of our rubs and creams at Hotgrass are locally made with clean CBD and/or THC and use coconut oil without added fragrances. You can apply them liberally with no fear of experiencing a “high” and continue to enjoy all your favourite sports. Let the New Years resolutions live on and meet your athletic or personal best goals!




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